Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hobbies: Card Making

One of the big things I've been into lately is paper crafting - more specifically, making handmade greeting cards. I get to exercise my creativity, as well as practice various traditional art techniques. For one of the cards I made a few months ago, I got back into watercolors and came up with a fabulous sunflower. For another, I used a patterned paper to make a pinwheel that you can spin around.

Today, I finished a Steampunk-inspired birthday card and I wanted to show it off:
I haven't decided who's going to be getting it quite yet (I have to find a fellow Steampunk enthusiast first), but it came out pretty neat. The best part is hard to see in the picture, but there are areas that are torn off. So, there are these raised little paper edges that are fun to touch.

Anyone else have neat crafting projects/hobbies?


  1. How I would love to receive this card...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Luna, love your work. I would like your feedback on something I have been working for a while but I cant find your email or contact infos anywhere :-S
