Sunday, August 11, 2013

Title/Game Over Graphics

Here are a few pictures I've created for a title or "game over" screen. They're pretty simple, but maybe they'll be useful to someone out there. Click on images to see full versions.

Purple Night Variety:
Background for titles.

I couldn't decide if I liked Game Over or The End better, so both are included.

Blue Night Variety:
Title Background

The background image does not scroll, but you could also use it as a parallax image in small (17x13) maps.


  1. Those are really pretty - thank you for sharing! (Ari from RPG Maker Forums)

  2. His creations are excelent. Get even with the limitations of RPG Maker works beautifull maps and cities. Would you like to play a full game with their creations. There is some play its full?

    1. You can try playing a demo of my project:


  3. (Irrelevant to this particular post, but I wasn't sure how to contact you. ^^;)
    I just wanted to say that I just got done playing Twice Upon a Hero and I absolutely loved it. I've been stuck in bed for a little while, and your game was both a great way to pass the time and a wonderful inspiration for my own projects. Parts of it made me literally laugh out loud, and I think I talked to every. single. villager. at least twice. Thanks so much for four hours well spent.

    <3 <3 <3 Amanda

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment, Amanda! It's always awesome to hear people having fun with something I've created, and it's a great motivator to keep working on it.

      I hope you're feeling better soon, and have a blast with your projects. :D

  4. Those look really pretty, Lunarea :)

    1. Thank you! I like making pretty things (in case you couldn't tell XD).

  5. This is really nice, thanks for sharing!

    Anyway, can I ask what font did you use for the game over screen?
